Tuesday, July 12, 2011

If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.

KL police: No tear gas fired into hospital....????

I hate watching news on TV and reading newspaper.So freaking bias.Tak beragak lansung.Dah sah-sah kot siap ada gambar dengan video,but still nak denied.Ingat rakyat ni bodoh ke main telan je TV cakap.Bukan nak sokong mana-mana parti politik...tapi kadang2 aku rasa TV dengan suratkhabar sekarang makin melampau plak menipunya.Nak baca pun rasa macam orang bodoh je *sigh.


  1. Mane tear gas? Tu water cannon. KuikuikuiMane tear gas? Tu water cannon. Kuikuikui

  2. KUALA LUMPUR: The police did not fire tear gas and water cannon at Tung Shin Hospital in Jalan Pudu here during Saturday's rally to disperse the crowd, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

    He said this was confirmed by the Tung Shin Hospital board of directors, who attended a one-hour meeting with the ministry at the hospital yesterday.

    "We can confirm that the police did not fire tear gas and water cannon at the hospital. They were instead aiming at the crowd on the main road to disperse them."

    When asked about videos and photos showing otherwise, Liow clarified that the hospital was not directly hit by tear gas canisters and water cannon.

  3. baca berita kat internet je.. lebih menyeluruh
