Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is a big fuck you....(satu lagi entry copy paste)

To anyone who has misjudged me or misunderstood me.
To anyone who has told me that I’m not good enough- and to myself for believing them.
To anyone who has talked about me behind my back because they didn’t have to guts to say it to my face.
To anyone who has ever lied to me.
To anyone who has underestimated me.
To anyone who has used my past against me.
To anyone who has made me cry.
To anyone who ignored me.
To anyone who never let me explain myself.
To anyone who only told me exactly what I wanted to hear.
To anyone who has forced me to do something.
To anyone who has ever turned someone against me.
To anyone who kept secrets from me, that involved me.
To anyone who made me feel insignificant.

Some thank yous…
To anyone who has listened to me pour out my story because I needed someone to listen.
To anyone who was there for me when I needed them.
To anyone who pushed me to be a better me.
To those people who have been there for me, and still are.
To anyone who has left my life.
To anyone who has told me the truth.
To anyone who didn’t beg me to tell them what I was thinking.

I’m sorry…
To anyone I have lied to.
To anyone I didn’t apologize to, even though I’m often wrong.
To anyone who I held too closely because I thought I needed them.
To anyone I have used in any way.
To anyone I mistreated because I let my emotions get the best of me.
To anyone I have given an excuse to.
To anyone I never gave an explanation to.
To anyone I left behind.
To anyone I never gave a chance to, underestimated, ignored, misheard, judged.  To anyone I have ever left, silenced, angered, frustrated, upset. 

And a big fuck you to myself…
For being easily influenced, for caring about other people’s opinions, for not being myself, for lying to myself, for not knowing what to do, for being too emotional, for not facing reality, for giving up, for being a horrible person, for letting my thoughts get the best of me.
To myself, for being myself, and being too stubborn to change- for forgetting that things change.

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